Elvin Siew Chun Wai – Three Most Romantic Places in France

If you are planning a romantic tour to France with your partner and searching for the destinations that you must explore with him or her, then this blog is for you. In this blog, I, Elvin Siew Chun Wai, will tell you about the 3 most romantic places in France.

Let’s get started.

Gordes, Provence

If you are looking for a fascinatingly romantic tourist destination in France, Gordes in Provence is perhaps a must-consider place. Spending time here with your spouse will be a tremendous experience in life for both of you. The panoramic views of the surroundings will surprise and excite you at the same time.

Colmar, Alsace

Colmar is located on the northeastern border of France near Germany and Switzerland. It is such an amazing place that you will get absorbed in its fantastic environment. When it comes to the Colmar buildings, you can clearly see the influence of German and French architecture on them. Walking with your partner hand in hand will provide you with a great opportunity to come closer to each other.

Mont Saint Michel, Normandy

It is one of the most popular romantic destinations in France. The site is declared a UNESCO heritage site. It is surrounded by a beautiful village, creating a great environment.

I, Elvin Siew Chun wai, have just mentioned 3 places here. But, France has numerous romantic destinations. Search for exotic romantic destinations in France, and you will find a long list for it.

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